What I Wrote: Q2 + Q3 Review
September 23, 2024
With Q3 coming to a close, I am reflecting on what I accomplished these past...
Diary Update from a Writer for Hire
February 28, 2024
Hiya fans of content creation, branding, marketing strategy, naming, thought leadership… what else is it...
Content marketing roundup: summer edition
September 19, 2023
This summer was unexpectedly busy. Here is a look at a few of the projects...
What I am writing: A look back at Q1
April 26, 2023
Dear (work) diary, How is it April? Time is a mysterious construct. In Q1, I...
Branded Content Update: September and October Projects
November 2, 2022
Dear (Work) Diary, September and October were solid (minus a bout of COVID). Here is...
A Ghostwriter’s Musings on Ghostwriting
June 4, 2019
When people ask what I do for a living, I tell them I am a...
We Earned Our Editor Credit on Amazon
December 13, 2018
Last spring, JR Lisk helped Brian Jones, founder of Nuts & Bolts of PR, create...
Why I Love Ad Tech Ghostwriting
July 13, 2017
I spent the morning analyzing my content creation and strategy business. I noticed that...
Confessions of a Ghostwriter
July 26, 2016
Lately, I’ve been doing a lot of ghostwriting. I pen thought leadership pieces for execs,...
3 Tips for Getting the Most from Your Ghostwriter
October 28, 2015
Most brands and industry influencers realize that penning thought leadership pieces for publication on relevant...