When I get busy, I tend to neglect my own blog so I can focus on creating content for my clients. I am not proud of this, but it is a deliberate decision. Blogging doesn’t fall through the cracks. It is not something I forget about. The truth is, there is only so much content I can produce in a given period of time, and if I take on too many projects at once, I worry quality will suffer. I’d rather take blogging off my plate so I can concentrate on my clients’ needs.
If I were blogging as a part of a lead generation or SEO strategy, this lapse would not be okay. Creating consistent quality content is a crucial component of an effective blogging strategy. I’d have to either find the time to blog myself, or outsource writing the way my (very smart) clients do. I am blogging to build credibility, demonstrate thought leadership and show my brand voice, which is really just my voice. I do a lot of ghostwriting and marketing communication work in which I have to adapt the tone of the business I am writing for. I love this challenge, but sometimes, I just want to have a little fun and sound like “me.” That is why I blog.
I get most of my project work and retainer clients from referrals. I have a close group of designers and developers that I tap as needed, primarily for eBooks and website design projects. I handle most of the writing and strategy work myself, although I do outsource to copy editors as needed. (Everyone needs an edituh. My favorite “edituh” will understand this reference.) I do have a network of talented journalists and marketers that I outsource to on occasion. In theory, that is how I will scale my business, as soon as I can work through my control issues. Just kidding. Mostly.
Right now, I am in a very fortunate position. I have more business than I can handle. That’s why I am okay with neglecting my blog. My clients are bigger than me. They are blogging to demonstrate thought leadership and build relationships, but also to drive traffic to their website, generate leads, improve SEO and create content for their social media sites. That is why it is not okay for them to neglect their blogs. I put my blog on hold so I can help them.
I feel very lucky that I make a living doing what I love. But in addition to being a grateful person, I am a nervous person. I assume I won’t always have a steady stream of clients and prospects. Business ebbs and flows. If and when things slow down, I will get better about blogging. Until then, I want to preserve my time and my brainpower so I can help companies like yours.
This concludes my confession. I feel better now.
By Jacqueline Lisk