6 Company Blogs That Inspire Us

September 28, 2015

    When our clients ask about company blogging best practice, we direct them to the sites below for inspiration. These businesses routinely produce high quality content that conveys their expertise without being “salesy.” They effectively identify the topics that matter most to their audience while aligning with their company marketing objectives. Whether you’re launching a blog for the first time or looking to take your current efforts to the next level, check out:


    Chances are that if you work in marketing, you’re already using Hubspot as an educational resource and an example of inbound marketing best practices. We’re impressed by the volume and quality of content they produce, by how effectively they drive traffic to their articles and infographics, and by their clear understanding of the role their blogs play in lead generation.

    Ethan Allen

    Fashion and design businesses have an enormous opportunity to create beautiful, inspiring blogs that showcase their expertise and products without reading like a catalog. We love how the iconic design brand publishes a mix of stories about their team’s international travels, company news and entertaining and decorating tips. Articles are clearly categorized which makes site navigation simple. The stories are fun, quick reads and bolstered by large, enticing visuals.

    The Accomplished Traveler

    Okay, we’re throwing in one of our own. We’re the content creators behind this luxury travel concierge’s blog. We help turn the team’s travels into inspiring stories that showcase destinations and the company’s expertise and unique personality. (These guys have been EVERYWHERE.) Since we started sharing the articles routinely on Facebook, their fan base has grown exponentially. Thanks for letting us live vicariously through you, guys!


    GE has become a publisher in its own right. Its skilled storytelling makes science cool. We love the site design, and we’re impressed by the smart, engaging stories. We interviewed Linda Boff, GE’s executive director of global brand marketing, for a piece we wrote about social media marketing. She urges businesses to find their genuine voice and to partner with relevant content creators and influencers to elevate their content and improve their distribution strategy.


    Maybe “blog” isn’t the right word for what Crayola is doing, but whatever it is, we like it. They feature cool craft ideas for kids of all ages, as well as lesson plans for teachers. It’s a creative, useful way to highlight their brand voice and their products while providing value for their readers.

    Regions Bank

    Full disclosure, we help these guys with content ideation and creation via our partnership with Inc. magazine’s custom content division. It’s a great example of B2B content marketing, and we love how they (we) use a variety of in-house and external experts to provide content that’s truly useful for their audience of small business owners.

    Want to chat about your company blog approach? Drop us a line at info@jrlisk.com

    Photo: http://www.ethanallen.com/on/demandware.store/Sites-ethanallen-us-Site/en_US/Blog-Home