Day 2 of Content Summit explores video trends and moves audience to tears

March 6, 2014

    This discussions on the second day of the iMedia Content Summit focused on TV and digital video. We took an in-depth look at the rapidly changing way we watch, monitor and monetize video; the overlap between online and television production that’s creating a case for operational convergence; and the recipe for making effective, emotionally-compelling video content led by a true industry leader, The Coca-Cola Company.

    That the TV landscape is changing at a rapid pace is indisputable, but in case you want more proof, check out this comprehensive presentation by Dr. Duane Varan, CEO of MediaScience. Never before have users had more choice. They decide what they watch, when they watch it and how, selecting from an ever-growing number of devices. This presents tremendous cross-platform opportunity for advertisers, but it also poses new challenges, including a measurability issue. The historic user-based measurement model for TV in which a piece of content is presented uniformly to an audience at a set time is shifting to an impression-based model, in which distinct creative can be served to unique users at varying times. Advertisers, networks and researchers are working together to determine the best way to reach audiences across varied channels, and to ensure viewership is adequately measured, as reflected by research shared by The Nielsen Company and ABC Television.

    Marketers are also working to improve the way they plan and execute their video strategies in an effort to limit rampant inefficiency. Ninety percent of videos served online have aired on television. Companies are often using the same creative for their digital and TV spots (whether this is right or wrong is debatable), yet their TV and video campaigns are frequently handled by separate teams. Robert Haskitt, CMO of Extreme Reach, spoke of the importance of converging video production, or at the very least improving communication between teams.

    The author, Jacqueline Lisk, demoing Google Glass
    The author, Jacqueline Lisk, demoing Google Glass

    Other highlights included an in-depth look at Google Glass—its potential and pitfalls (check out 6 fixable reasons why Google Glass will flop) and an incredible presentation by Coca-Cola’s Global Group Creative Director Brynn Bardacke, which explored their latest marketing success stories and video campaigns, including the Buy a World a Coke campaign and a debut of a video for Powerade that had half the attendees in tears (yours truly included), a nice nod back to day one’s focus on emotional content.

    By Jacqueline Lisk