It is hard to process what we lived through last year, and the hard stuff isn’t over. We are still in the throes of a global pandemic and a long overdue reckoning with racial injustice. We are still reeling from the violence that erupted at the U.S. Capital–a frightful attack that represents the culmination of a second pandemic: the assault on truth. The dissemination of disinformation.
But despite challenges and tragedy, the business world marches on. In 2020, work was a welcome distraction. It was uplifting to write about business innovation, advancements in therapeutic treatment, the future of patient care, and the global effort to develop an effective vaccine for COVID-19. It was challenging and fun to partner with brands on marketing communication and strategy initiatives, and to work side-by-side with publishers and agencies on branded content projects for some of the world’s biggest businesses.
I am more grateful than ever for my career. I love learning! I love research! I love writing! I love talking to brilliant, passionate people. I love that no day is the same. I know I am lucky that my business was not negatively impacted by COVID, that I am able to work from home, and that I had help with childcare through it all. I try to practice gratitude daily (in between yelling at my daughter to put headphones on because homeschool is loud and crying in my soup because I really miss my friends).
In the spirit of gratitude, I made an infographic that depicts the work that got me through the last 12 months. (Click on the image to zoom in.) I am proud to have had a successful year, and I am looking forward to more inspiring projects. (I am also looking forward to normalcy, for the record.)
Thank you to everyone I collaborated with. I appreciate your partnership, and I hope you have a happy and healthy 2021… all things considered? Stay strong. Wear a mask. Check your sources. Be the change. Meet me for drinks in July?