In October 2015, my husband and I made one of the best decisions of our life: we moved to Ridgefield, CT. We love the town’s family values and strong sense of community. We value its schools, commitment to the arts and theatre, vibrant restaurant scene, and pro-small business climate. I also appreciate that it is close enough to New York City that I can easily meet with my clients there, and just 2.5 hours from Green Hill Beach, Rhode Island (our summertime escape) and Stratton, VT (our go-to in the winter).
The best part about Ridgefield, though, is the people. I have met an amazing group of local friends. We support one another professionally, and in our adventures in parenting.
I was grateful and honored to be asked by Ridgefield Moms, a local platform that provides community resources, to share a bit about my work, my thoughts on motherhood, and my hopes for the future. Use the link below to check it out, and absolutely check out Ridgefield!