I have been noticing a trend. When brands are contacting me for help with their content marketing or PR and thought leadership strategies, a growing number are sharing that they are parting ways with large agencies. Instead, they are assembling their own teams of independent contractors or boutique firm owners like me–people who have the “big agency” experience, but charge far less and often work more efficiently.
I could share stats on the exploding gig economy or dissect the changing workforce trends that make now an excellent time to be a lone wolf or a small agency owner. But instead, I will share my personal experience. Here’s why brands–even large ones–are more open than ever to working with “little guys” like me.
Ease of colloboration
I am generalizing here, but freelancers and small businesses are easy to work with. The right ones plug into your team and jive with your culture. Plus, the proliferation of virtual communication tools makes it easy to collaborate, no matter where you or your partners are located.
We get things done FAST. We are nimble and flexible. You can call us (me?) last minute and if we have bandwidth, we will step in and help. No egos. No pretenses.
No bait and switch
The person who wins your business is the person who executes it. You won’t be wined and dined by a higher up you rarely hear from once the work starts. You will liaison directly with A-level talent, not a junior account rep or brand new writer.
Cost-savings and flexibility
“Little guys and gals” charge less, not because our work is less valuable, but because we don’t have to cover large overhead costs, as large agencies do. I bounce between a home office and a shared working space. My operational costs are low, and I pass that cost-savings onto my clients.
When I am scoping large projects, I bring on writing, web design, and videographers. These guys are my partners, not my employees. They work the same way I do: efficiently. This allows me to create attractive proposals for my clients.
Now, attractive doesn’t mean cheap. Experience and quality cost money… But when you work with a small business, even a seasoned one, you will probably still pay less than you would with a brand name firm.
Freelancers and small businesses are also more open to different pricing structures. For example, I don’t require companies to sign inflexible contracts or commit to vague, hefty retainers.
Breadth of experience
Big brands. Small brands. Leading publishers. Niche sites. Agencies of all sizes. I have worked with them all. I have plugged into huge teams. I have assembled my own group of talent. I have worked with all personality types, across countless domain areas. I have learned SO much from the hundreds of content marketing projects I have under my belt. I draw on all of this knowledge every time I take on a new project.
Caliber of talent
Freelancing or starting your own small content marketing services firm is THE BEST. You set your schedule. You decide what projects you take on. You learn about so many subject matters. You meet and learn from incredible, talented people. You make good money. You almost never get bored or feel stagnant.
So, a growing number of super talented writers, strategists, consultants, designers, photographers, developers, videographers, and SO ON, are doing it. They are taking the plunge and working for themselves. They are building their own businesses. The “little guy” talent is out there. And companies of all sizes are more open to working with us than ever before.
So, yeah, it is a good time to be giggin’ it. Call me if you want to talk.
By Jacqueline Lisk
P.S. Disclaimer: There are plenty of fantastic agencies out there–agencies I admire and frequently partner with. These companies are working with “little guy” talent, too. This piece isn’t meant to put down big agencies. The point is to call out all that small firms and freelancers have to offer.