4 steps to creating effective content marketing campaigns for pharmaceutical companies
June 20, 2014
Poor pharma. It’s eager to embrace content marketing, yet it’s subject to (understandably) strict regulations...
Why your company blog’s mission statement needs two parts
June 11, 2014
Before you create your next piece of content, ask yourself: What’s in it for me...
4 things I learned moderating the Evolving Digital Landscape Panel at the Weschester Digital Summit
May 28, 2014
Recently, I had the pleasure of moderating the Navigating the Evolving Digital Landscape Panel at the...
LinkedIn lowers its age limit and expands its advertising potential
May 13, 2014
As soon as I heard that LinkedIn had lowered its age limit to 14 in...
5 content marketing tips from Joe Pulizzi, the industry’s evangelist
March 14, 2014
Two years ago, I interviewed Joe Pulizzi, the godfather of content marketing, for a piece...
Day 2 of Content Summit explores video trends and moves audience to tears
March 6, 2014
This discussions on the second day of the iMedia Content Summit focused on TV and...
5 key takeaways from day 1 of the iMedia Content Summit
March 3, 2014
The iMedia Content Summit in Huntington Beach, California (a terrible place, really… don’t you pity...
Everybody’s going native: 3 media powerhouses’ native ad programs
February 13, 2014
So far, the 2014 advertising buzzwords remain “storytelling” and “native advertising.” Brands need help telling...
You Go Sir Grout, You Go: 5 Lessons Salespeople can Learn from a Tile Company
January 31, 2014
It’s amazing how many sales best practices are universal. Last week, I was searching for...
To create or curate: is that the question?
January 26, 2014
I’ve had a few discussions in which marketing professionals will muse, “Shouldn’t we just curate...
Content marketing on the rise in Europe
January 17, 2014
Mashable’s recent article on content marketing predictions forecasts that “Europe will get the content marketing...
The 5 questions Forbes’ brand journalism team asks clients–and what they’re missing
January 9, 2014
One of the most interesting speakers at last month’s digital innovation conference in San Francisco...